Phillip Dewar Photography
Home Australia Email Merchandise Ordering Prints


The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera

Dorothea Lange, (1895-1965), 

US Photographer




Welcome to the my Australian galleries below is a selection of photographs. To view more select the Australia link at the top of the page or click here



(All prices are in Australian Dollars and excludes postal charges)

4x6 - $11.50

5x7 - $16.25

8x12 - $19.90

11x14 - $42.65

16x20 - $90.25

20x30 -  $162.50


Newest Photos

9th November 2001: Ballan & Melton

9th February 2002: Hamilton

9th February 2002: Lakes Entrance

9th February 2002: Scarsdale

Please click on the above link/s to view


Ordering prints

All my photographs are for sale. To see sizes and prices visit my order page.

PLEASE NOTE (unless otherwise specified)




I value all your views and comments, not only about my prints, but also the way they are presented here, so why not drop me a line.



Though, I am able to offer a number of items such as mugs, t-shirts, caps, tote bags and mousepads for sale. You can select any of my photographs and display them however you see fit. A great gift idea.


If you would like to visit my other galleries or return to the beginning of my site please select one of the following links

New Photographs       


Main Page




Yes my photographs are for sale, for information on sizes and prices please go to my order page.



Date this site was last updated: Sunday, July 27, 2003 
  © 2001-2003 Phillip Dewar Photography